Monday, July 11, 2016

What is 'Black Lives Matter'?

I'm sure many of you have been reading about the shootings of both black civilians and white police officers in the news recently. Here I have gathered some links to both people and organizations that you should be aware of if you want to understand the situation unfolding in our country right now.

Trayvon Martin was a young man who lived in Florida and who was killed by a 'Neighborhood Watch' member named George Zimmerman. Click the link above to read about Trayvon's story and what happened to Zimmerman.

Black Lives Matter. Watch this video about the movement and its origins here.
Please check out these links to news stories related to people that have been killed by police officers which have caused anger and sadness in the black community.
LaQuan Mcdonald

Michael Brown

Eric Garner

Sandra Bland

Finally, here are some links to issues the black lives matter movement cares deeply about.

What is institutional racism?

Police Brutality in the USA

Also, check THIS database maintained by the Washington Post about those killed by police in America.

Monday, July 4, 2016

C1.2 Wildlife (The Dawn of De-Extinction)

Bringing something back from extinction... Impossible, yes? Apparently not. Enjoy this TED talk with Stewart Brand and find out about the dawn of de-extinction.

Entertaining, Educational, and Practical Youtube Channels to Enjoy!

Bored, I mean finished with all of your ILab activities? Looking for ways to expand your mind but also stay seated? Look no further than these fine Youtube bloggers.

1. Every Frame A Painting.

If you enjoy cinema as much as I do Tony Zhao will certainly scratch an itch. If you want to know about the world of cinematography, storytelling, and use of chairs in film look no further for thoughtful and in-depth analysis of all things film. Check out this example with Jackie Chan.

2. Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell (Watch for a description) This channel discusses many issues humans face. ENJOY!

3. Crash Course - Need to know about anything? Find it here.

4. Primitive Technology - Trying to live in the forest alone with nothing? Learn how to do it here.

5. Want to know about the most current political issues in the USA? Look no further than John Oliver and his HBO show, Last Week Tonight.

6. Believe everything you see on the internet??? Quit being so gullible and question everything you see. You'll never believe anything you see on the internet again after watching this AMAZING gentleman. CAPTAIN DISILLUSION!