Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Terrestrial Podcast Listening

Terrestrial Podcast: Have a blank page to take notes on as we listen. 
1.       What generation is the announcer from?
2.       How are Ashley and her husband feeling about having kids?
3.       How does her friend describe the decision to become parents?
a.       It’s a logical, rational choice.
b.      Its much more primal and instinctual.
c.       Its not something that really needs to be planned for.
d.      The environment played no role in their decision.
4.       For Travis and Mary who is the only baby they want in their lives.
5.       For Travis, what was the first event that he witnessed that influenced his environmental awareness?
6.       Is Travis optimistic about the future? Why or not?
7.       How has Mary’s views on kids changed over time?
8.       What is her view on having children and climate change?
          ---- Break ----

9.       How responsible is the United States of America for resource usage/greenhouse gas emissions?
10.   World number 1 and World number 2 in the environmental “Choose your own adventure.” What is the difference?
11.   What can we expect to be happening frequently by the end of this century?
12.   What will be the consequences of such events?
13.   The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. How should we see our greatest accomplishments as a species according to them?
14.   “Natalist propaganda.” How does Les define this?
15.   How many people can we expect to be living on Earth by 2100?


16.   Keenan and Brianna have what opinion about climate and family planning?
17.   “It’s not right to blame children for the problems of the world.” Does this argument work for you or no?
18.   How can having a child be an environmentally friendly choice?
19.   How could his idea be done without government intervention?
20.   More education leads to what…?
21.   How can having a child lead to a more environmentally friendly world?

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Environmental Disasters Project

Assignment: Presentation on an Environmental Disaster of Your Choosing.

Your presentation must address the following:

  • Where and when did this event occur?
  • Were there any measures that should have been taken to prevent this catastrophe?
  • What happened during the lead up to the event?
  • What were the initial consequences? What were the long term impacts?
  • What was done as a result to prevent this kind of disaster from happening again?
  • In your opinion, will an event like this happen again or not?
  • Please include any additional information you deem to be relevant. 
You should either create a Prezi or a Powerpoint presentation to present your findings to the class. 

In addition you should create a Kahoot! Kahoot instructions can be found HERE!

Good luck!


List of Environmental Disasters

Natural and Man Made Disasters

Tragic Effects of Man Made Disasters


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sufferage! Prep for the trip to the museum.

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Lucy Burns. Tortured for wanting to vote.
Chairwoman Alice Paul, second from left, and officers of the National Woman’s Party hold a banner with a Susan B. Anthony quote in front of party headquarters in Washington in 1920. (AP)

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Alice Paul. Badass suffragette who got sick of waiting around. 

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Susan B. Anthony. Perhaps the most famous and outspoken of the suffragettes. She died 14 years before women got the right to vote. 

How does this battle over suffrage make you feel? Would you fight as hard as those in the National Women's Party would for this right? When did your own country give all people the right to vote?