Friday, August 25, 2017

Black Holes, White Supremacy, and an Online Community in English.

How do black holes work? What happens when matter is taken inside of them? What is the closest thing on Earth to a black hole? Watch this great video from Kurzgesagt to find out.

If you liked this video, check out Kurzgesagt's youtube channel.

Recently there have been some shocking events happening surrounding the removal of Confederate Civil War statues. To many, these statues represent the worst aspects of the Civil War: mostly the fact that it was fought to keep blacks enslaved as free labor for rich Southern farmers. Now many want these monuments taken down but some have come together to protest this. Watch this short documentary about what happened when protestors came to Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of these statues. Were they really there to protest the statues being taken down? Or was there something else on their minds? You be the judge.

WARNING: This video contains images of graphic violence and language that may not be considered suitable for some.WARNING! 

You may have heard this chant during the video, "Blood and Soil!" What does it mean? Where does it come from?

Would you like to find a community that constantly posts in English where there is an unlimited amount of articles to read, comment on, and read comments on? A place that is mostly populated by native English speakers? Where is there such a place on the internet? Heard of Reddit?
Here is a screenshot of what reddit looks like. Confusing? I thought so too.

Well. Here's how it works. Reddit is organized into categories. These categories are called 'subreddits' (/r/). A subreddit could have any possible category you can think of. From technology (r/technology), politics (r/politics), cute animals (r/aww), funny dogs (r/rarepuppers), to crazy nature gifs (r/natureisf***inglit), to video games (r/gaming). to see any of these categories in their entirety simply type + /r/(any category you want). E.g. I like pokemon soooo...  

Now lets look closer at a category. I also like funny dogs so I'll go to /r/rarepuppers
and lets click on that link I underlined... and heres what we get.

awesome. SO GO EXPLORE! Ask me if you have any questions! And also check out this link to learn more about how reddit works. 

1 comment:

  1. its really hard to see that video to me, because in Chile we also have some kind of "civil fights" between our natives called Mapuches and the government ..
    They've been there for long time before Spaniards come to the continent, and they says all the time that hole lands becomes to them. so, its been about 200 years with this fights.
    Its appalling to watch people fighting for his thoughts, even right or wrong.. the racism isn't a thing that I'm proud about human beings.. we're in 2017, they should evolve asap.

    **I've learn 2 new words.

    About Reddit, i already know that community, its pretty big, I'm there since about 2 years ago when it becomes more popular in my country.
    It's amazing how much content can u find there.

