Wednesday, February 20, 2019

C2.2 Environment Podcast Project

Image result for environmental disasters
When you've chosen an episode please come and see me to make sure it has not already been chosen. 

Find a partner and choose an episode to build your presentation around.

Dollop Episodes related to the environment. 

Also, the podcast Reveal has many episodes related to the environment.

  • Your presentation should address the following.
    • A brief summary of the podcast. 
    • What is the environmental issue that is the core of the problem? Disaster? Resource Extraction? Extinction? Climate change?
    • What has caused this issue and who are the key players? 
      • If the problem is human caused, what were the motivations of the key players? Who benefited and who lost? 
      • If the problem was accidental in some way, what led up to the accident? What could have been done to prevent it? What, if anything, was learned as a result of the accident? Did anyone benefit from it? How? If people lost, what did they lose? 
    • Why, in your opinion, should we pay attention to this issue? Why is it important? What did you take away from it?
    • How did you feel about the way the hosts expressed their opinions? What did you agree/disagree with them on and why? 
  • Finally, you should create a kahoot to quiz the class on what you have taught them. 

Vivi and Linus - Dollop 68 Centralia, Pennsylvania.
Evi, Davina, and Caroline - Reveal: Burning Hotter and Faster
Melis / Bianca - Dollop 218 The Donora Smog Disaster
Anna / Hendrik - Dollop 356 Resnicks: Water Monsters!
Risa / Lisa - Dollop 72 The Hanford Site
Emma / Luis / Lukas - Dollop 207 Animal Horror of Macquarie Island
Tora / Josefine - Dollop 349 Nauru

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